Tropic of Cancer, é um romance de Henry Miller, publicado pela primeira vez em 1934. Ficou proibido nos Estados Unidos até 1961. Como tantos escritores que emigraram para a Paris dos anos 1920-30, o norte-americano Henry Miller experimentou na capital francesa tudo o que há de bom e de ruim na condição de exilado …

Se Paris proporcionou a Henry Miller a liberdade artística para escrever e publicar, é, contudo, a América e o seu código moral que o escritor pretende confrontar com a sua prosa incandescente e revolucionária. E é pois na América, mais precisamente em Nova Iorque nos anos 20, que nos encontramos com Trópico de …

The first book of a trilogy of novels known collectively as "The Rosy Crucifixion". It is autobiographical and tells the story of Miller's first tempestuous marriage and his relentless sexual exploits in New York. The other books are "Plexus" and "Nexus".

Black Spring is a novel by the American writer Henry Miller, published in 1936 by the Obelisk Press in Paris, France. Black Spring was Miller's second published novel, following Tropic of Cancer and preceding Tropic of Capricorn. It is divided in ten almost independent sections.

The Air-Conditioned Nightmare is an autobiographical book written by Henry Miller and first published in 1945.

Quiet Days in Clichy is a novella written by Henry Miller. It is based on his experience as a Parisian expatriate in the early 1930s, when he and Alfred Perlès shared a small apartment in suburban Clichy as struggling writers. It takes place around the time Miller was writing Black Spring. According to his …