『伝奇集』は、ホルヘ・ルイス・ボルヘスの代表的短編集。スペイン語小説集。1944年刊行。元は1941年の『八岐の園』と1944年の『工匠集』の2篇だったものをまとめたもので、全17篇の作品からなる。 八岐の園 トレーン、ウクバール、オルビス・テルティウス アル・ムターシムを求めて 『ドン・キホーテ』の著者、ピエール・メナール 円鐶の廃墟 バビロンのくじ ハーバート・クエインの作品の検討 バベルの図書館 八岐の園 工匠集 記憶の人フネス 刀の形 裏切り者と英雄のテーマ 死とコンパス 隠れた奇跡 ユダについての三つの解釈 結末 フェニックス宗 南部 八岐の園のプロローグには有名な言葉: …

If Jorge Luis Borges had been a computer scientist, he probably would have invented hypertext and the World Wide Web. Instead, being a librarian and one of the world's most widely read people, he became the leading practitioner of a densely layered imaginistic writing style that has been imitated throughout this …

The Aleph and Other Stories is a book of short stories by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. The title work, "The Aleph", describes a point in space that contains all other spaces at once. The work also presents the idea of infinite time. Borges writes in the original afterword, dated May 3, 1949, that most of the …

『幻獣辞典』はホルヘ・ルイス・ボルヘス、マルガリータ・ゲレロの共著による文学作品。第1版である『Mannal de zoologia fantástica』が1957年発表、第2版『El libro de los seres imaginarios』1967年に続き、1969年版が現在知られているものである。 …

The Aleph and Other Stories is a book of short stories by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. The title work, "The Aleph", describes a point in space that contains all other spaces at once. The work also presents the idea of infinite time. Borges writes in the original afterword, dated May 3, 1949, that most of the …

The acclaimed translation of Borges's valedictory stories, in its first stand-alone edition Jorge Luis Borges has been called the greatest Spanish-language writer of the twentieth century. Now Borges's remarkable last major story collection, The Book of Sand, is paired with a handful of writings from the very end of …

This unique volume presents a Borges almost entirely unknown to American readers: his extraordinary non—fiction prose. Borges' unlimited curiosity and almost superhuman erudition become, in his essays, reviews, lectures, and political and cultural notes, a vortex for seemingly the entire universe: Dante and Ellery …

In his writing, Borges always combined high seriousness with a wicked sense of fun. Here he reveals his delight in re-creating (or making up) colorful stories from the Orient, the Islamic world, and the Wild West, as well as his horrified fascination with knife fights, political and personal betrayal, and bloodthirsty …

The art of writing is mysterious; the opinions we hold are ephemeral. In these eleven short stories, the quality of his inspiration is unmistakable. With their deceptively simple, almost laconic style, they achieve a magical impression that is unrivalled in modern writing.

EDIMAT. Madrid. 1999. 20 cm. 191 p. Encuadernación en tapa dura de editorial con sobrecubierta ilustrada. Wilde, Oscar 1854-1900. De profundis. Estudio preliminar, Carmelo Sánchez Castro. Clásicos selección .. Este libro es de segunda mano y tiene o puede tener marcas y señales de su anterior propietario. ISBN: …