This scary short story collection contains the following written by Edgar Allan Poe: THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO, THE TELL-TALE HEART, THE BLACK CAT, THE RAVEN, BERENICE, THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM, HOP FROG, THE IMP OF THE PERVERSE

《失窃的信》是美国作家爱德华·爱伦·坡撰写的短篇小说,1844年出版,首版为爱伦·坡带来12元美金的收入。这部小说首次出现于《礼物:给1845年》,并很快被转载在了许多杂志和报纸上。这是他以虚构的C·奥古斯特·杜邦为主人公所著的三部侦探故事的第三部,另外两部是《莫尔格街凶杀案》和《玛丽·罗杰奇案》。这些故事被视为现代侦探小说的重要的先驱。 …

Edgar Allan Poe’s gift for the macabre–his genius in finding the strangeness lurking at the heart of things–was so extraordinary that he exerted a major influence on Baudelaire and French symbolism, on Freudian analysis, and also on the detective novel and the Hollywood movie. His psychologically profound stories of …