Име руже је први роман италијанског књижевника Умберта Ека, објављен 1980. године. На први поглед, то је постмодернистички трилер који се бави мистериозним убиствима у једној италијанској опатији, али поред тога то је и научнофантастична студија о средњем веку и различитим тумачењима Библије. Године 1986. роман је …

Фукоово клатно је други роман италијанског писца и филозофа Умберта Ека, први пут објављен 1988. године.

Baudolino is a 2000 novel by Umberto Eco about the adventures of a young man named Baudolino in the known and mythical Christian world of the 12th century. Baudolino was translated into English in 2001 by William Weaver. The novel presented a number of particular difficulties in translation, not the least of which is …

The Island of the Day Before is a historical fiction novel by Umberto Eco set in the 17th-century during the historical search for the secret of longitude. The central character is Roberto della Griva, an Italian nobleman marooned on a deserted ship in the Pacific Ocean, and his slowly decaying mental state, in a …

In this fascinating, abundant new novel from the incomparable Eco, Yambo, a rare-book dealer, has suffered a bizarre form of memory loss. He can remember every book he ever read but nothing about his own life. In an effort to retrieve his past, he withdraws into his old family home and searches through boxes of old …

In these “impishly witty and ingeniously irreverent” essays (Atlantic Monthly), “the Andy Rooney of academia” (Los Angeles Times) takes on computer jargon, librarians, bureaucrats, meals on airplanes, bad coffee, taxi drivers, 33-function watches, soccer fans, and more. Translated by William Weaver. A Helen and Kurt …

The Prague Cemetery is the sixth novel by Italian author Umberto Eco. It was first published in October 2010; the English translation by Richard Dixon appeared a year later. Shortlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize in 2012, it has been described as Eco's best novel since The Name of the Rose.

ISTORIJA LEPOTE UMBERTO EKO P L A T O B e o g r a d 2 O O 4 R e f e r e n c e Lepota Lepota provokacije Lepota potrošnje Avangarda Harmonija Proporcija Estetika Stara Grčka Naga VENERA Nagi ADON Marija Isus Kralj Kraljica Pesma Muza Delfijska božanstva Stari Grci Niče Broj Muzika Ljudsko telO Kosmos Priroda …