Le Sentier des nids d'araignée, le premier roman d'Italo Calvino, publié en, se déroule en 1945 dans une région indéterminée de la Riviera ligurienne, alors que les Partisans italiens luttent contre l'armée allemande et les Fascistes.
t zero is a 1967 collection of short stories by Italian author Italo Calvino. The title story is based on a particularly uncertain moment in the life of a lion hunter. This second in time, t₀, is considered by the hunter against known previous seconds and hypothetical future seconds "Qfwfq" narrates the first set of …
Under the Jaguar Sun is a collection of three short stories by Italo Calvino. The stories were to have been in a book entitled I cinque sensi. Calvino died before writing the stories dedicated to vision and touch. In the Italian edition the stories are ordered as follows: Il nome, il naso; Sotto il sole giaguaro; and …