長い不倫の恋が終わったほたるは、彼と過ごした東京を離れてふるさとに戻ってきた。失恋の痛手を負いながら祖母の喫茶店を手伝うほたるは、出会った瞬間に懐かしいと感じる赤いダウンジャケットの男の人に出会う。確かに会ったはずなのに、なぜ思い出せないんだろうーー。誰かを失った心の痛みをゆっくりと癒してくれる、あたたかな物語。 …

Hardboiled & Hard Luck is a novel written by Japanese author Banana Yoshimoto in 1999 and translated into English in 2005 by Michael Emmerich.

After losing her beautiful younger sister, a celebrated actress, to suicide, Sakumi falls down a flight of stairs and loses her memory to a head injury. Struggling to remember whom she loves and what she lost, she embarks on a unique emotional journey, accompanied at times by her dead sister's lover, at others by her …

Lizard is a short story collection by Banana Yoshimoto, written in 1993 and translated into English in 1995 by Ann Sherif. It is a collection of six short stories on love and the healing power of time. In the American edition Banana dedicates her book to Kurt Cobain.