The Confession is a 2010 legal thriller novel by John Grisham, his second novel to be published in 2010. The novel is about the murder of a high school cheerleader and how an innocent man is arrested for it. This was Grisham's first novel to be released simultaneously in digital and hardcopy format.
Bleachers was published on June 22, 2004. The hardcover edition was published by Doubleday and the paperback edition by Dell. The book focuses on whether or not the famous Eddie Rake, former coach of the Messina High School football team, was loved or hated by his former players.
Kyle McAvoy possesses an outstanding legal mind. Good-looking and affable, he has a glittering future. He also has a dark secret that could destroy his dreams, his career, even his life. One night that secret catches up with him. The men who accost Kyle have a compromising video they’ll use to ruin him–unless he does …
Playing for Pizza is a short novel by John Grisham, released on September 25, 2007. The novel is about an itinerant American football player who can no longer get work in the National Football League and whose agent, as a last resort, signs a deal for him to play for the Parma Panthers, in Parma, Italy.
어필은 존 그리샴의 2008년 소설이다. 세계 최고도로 법률이 발달한 미국에서, 20년의 장기간 동안 가장 인기가 많은 법률 소설을 쓰는 존 그리샴의 20번째 소설이자, 첫번째 법률 스릴러 소설이다.
Skipping Christmas is a comedy novel by John Grisham. It was published by Doubleday on November 6, 2001 and reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list on December 9. The book was adapted for the 2004 film Christmas with the Kranks by screenwriter Chris Columbus and recorded by actor Dennis Boutsikaris and …
The Summons is a legal thriller novel by noted American author John Grisham which was released in December 2002.
이노센트 맨은 2006년에 출판된 존 그리샴의 논픽션이다. 한국에는 2010년에 번역되어 출판되었다. 법률 소설의 대가인 존 그리샴의 첫번째 논픽션이다. 1982년 12월 8일, 오클라호마 주 에이다에서 데비 카터가 강간 살해되었다. 1988년 로널드 윌리암슨에게 사형이 선고되었다. 11년 복역 후인 1999년 무죄로 석방되었으며, 2004년 사망했다. 1953년 에이다에서 출생한 론은 1976년 양키스의 마이너리그 야구선수로 1년 정도 투수로 출전했으며, 부상으로 은퇴하고는 극심한 좌절로 우울증이 생겨서, 알콜중독, 마약중독에 빠져 다수의 범죄를 저질렀다. …
The King of Torts is a legal/suspense novel written by American author John Grisham. Doubleday published the first edition in hardcover format; it immediately debuted at #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list, remaining in the top 15 for over 20 weeks. Dell Publishing published the paperback edition later in 2003.