Viesti mereltä on yhdysvaltalaisen kirjailijan Nicholas Sparksin toinen romaani. Romaani kertoo surun jälkeisestä rakkaudesta, ja se sijoittuu 1990-luvun puolivälin Pohjois-Carolinaan Wilmingtoniin. Kirjaan perustuva samanniminen elokuva sai ensi-iltansa vuonna 1999, ja siinä näyttelivät pääosia Kevin Costner, Paul …

Valinta on yhdysvaltalaisen kirjailijan, Nicholas Sparksin, kolmastoista romaani. Se julkaistiin Yhdysvalloissa syyskuussa 2007 ja Suomessa vuonna 2009. Sparks aloitti kirjan kirjoittamisen alkuvuodesta 2007 ja hän kertoo halunneensa palata siinä Kuuntele vain muistojasi -romaanin rakennelmaan.

"At 32, Russell Green has it all: a stunning wife, a lovable six year-old daughter, a successful career as an advertising executive and an expansive home in Raleigh. He is living the dream, and his marriage to the bewitching Vivian is the center of that. But underneath the shiny surface of this perfect existence, …

The Rescue is a novel written by the American author Nicholas Sparks, first published in 2000. It debuted at number 2 on the New York Times Best Sellers list on October 8, 2000, and reached number 1 the following week. Sparks's son, Ryan, was the inspiration for the book.

Three Weeks with My Brother is a book written by Nicholas Sparks and his brother Micah. This book is an account of their three-week trip around the globe as well as the memories of their family life from childhood to adulthood. As the only surviving members of their family, the two brothers embarked on this journey to …

Three Weeks with My Brother is a book written by Nicholas Sparks and his brother Micah. This book is an account of their three-week trip around the globe as well as the memories of their family life from childhood to adulthood. As the only surviving members of their family, the two brothers embarked on this journey to …