『ソラリスの陽のもとに』は、ポーランドのSF作家スタニスワフ・レムが1961年に発表したSF小説。最初の日本語訳は、1964年に早川書房『S-Fマガジン』に掲載され、1965年にハヤカワ・SF・シリーズで刊行された。2004年にポーランド語からの直訳が、『ソラリス』の題名で国書刊行会より刊行された。 …

Trurl and Klapaucius are 'constructors' - they travel around the universe creating machines of astonishing inventiveness and power and visiting a bewildering variety of violent, peculiar and morose civilizations. The Cyberiad is oddly reminiscent of Gulliver's Travels, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Phantom …

『泰平ヨンの未来学会議』は、スタニスワフ・レムによる1971年のブラックユーモア・SF小説である。レムのシリーズ作品の主人公泰平ヨンの冒険を描いており、ヨンはコスタリカ・ヒルトンでの第8回世界未来学会議を訪れる。本書は、SFが共通的に扱ってきた題材である「ユートピアのような未来」の、レム版である。 …

Ijon Tichy, Lem's Candide of the Cosmos, encounters bizarre civilizations and creatures in space that serve to satirize science, the rational mind, theology, and other icons of human pride. Line drawings by the Author. Translated by Michael Kandel. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book Ijon Tichy, Lem's Candide of the Cosmos, …

His Master's Voice is a science fiction novel written by Stanisław Lem, first published in 1968. It was translated into English by Michael Kandel in 1983. It is a densely philosophical first contact story about an effort by scientists to decode, translate and understand an extraterrestrial transmission. The novel …

Memoirs Found in a Bathtub is a science fiction novel by Stanisław Lem first published in 1961. It was first published in English in 1973; a second edition was published in 1986.

From 'A giant of twentieth-century science fiction' (Guardian), the adventures of Pirx, a hapless everyman in outer space'By now he fancied himself something of a rocket jockey, a space ace, whose real home was among the planets'In a future where space travel has become routine and unremarkable, Pirx the pilot bumbles …

Return from the Stars is a science fiction novel by Polish author Stanisław Lem. Written in 1961, it revolves around the story of a cosmonaut returning to his homeworld, Earth, and finding it a completely different place than when he left. The novel touches among the ideas of alienation, culture shock and dystopias. …

Fiasco is a science fiction novel by Polish author Stanisław Lem, first published in a German translation in 1986. The book, published in Poland the following year, is a further elaboration of Lem's skepticism: in Lem's opinion, the difficulty in communication with alien civilizations is cultural, rather than spatial, …