"A rare opportunity to glimpse a bit of the man behind the monumental novels." --Chicago TribunePowerful and deeply personal, these three essays by the great Nigerian author articulate his mission to rescue African culture from the narratives written by Europeans. Looking through the prism of his experiences as a …

Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays, 1965-1987 is collection of essays by Chinua Achebe, published in 1988. Several of the essays caution against generalizing all African people into a monolithic culture, or using Africa as a facile metaphor. The opening essay, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of …

No Longer at Ease is a 1960 novel by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. It is the story of an Igbo man, Obi Okonkwo, who leaves his village for a British education and a job in the Nigerian colonial civil service, but struggles to adapt to a Western lifestyle and ends up taking a bribe. The novel is the second work in …