The unabridged versions of these definitive works are now available together as a highly designed paperback with flaps with a new introduction by Robert Weick. Part of the Knickerbocker Classics series, a modern design makes this timeless book a perfect travel companion. Considered to be one of the most influential …
《黑格尔法哲学批判》是马克思的一本早期著作,阐述了唯物史观,导言部分于1844年2月发表于《德法年鉴》。把批判的矛头直接指向当时的普鲁士社会。 马克思的青年时代追随黑格尔的哲学思想,后来根据费尔巴哈的唯物主义观念来批判黑格尔的哲学思想。费尔巴哈从宗教问题出发,阐述了一个重要思想:人的本质就是人自身。宗教的产生是人性异化的后果。不是上帝创造了人,而是人创造了上帝。由此批判人的异化。 …
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy is a book by Karl Marx, first published in 1859. The book is mainly an analysis of capitalism and quantity theory of money, achieved by critiquing the writings of the leading theoretical exponents of capitalism at that time: these were the political economists, …
The Poverty of Philosophy is a book by Karl Marx published in Paris and Brussels in 1847, where he lived in exile from 1843 until 1849. It was originally written in French as an answer to the economic and philosophical arguments of French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon set forth in his 1846 book The System of …