Outbreak is a medical thriller written by Dr. Robin Cook and published in 1987 which deals with an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in the United States. Despite its name and very similar storyline, the book is not connected to the 1995 movie also called Outbreak. The book was made into a television movie in 1995 …

Toxin is a 1998 suspense thriller written by Robin Cook. It tells the story of a doctor whose daughter is infected with E. coli and his investigation into how she contracted it and his battle to save her life and discover the source of her illness.

A Fertőzés Robin Cook huszonötödik, 2005-ben megjelent regénye, melynek fő témája az emberi genom.

Acceptable Risk is a 1995 novel by American author Robin Cook. A scientist discovers a mold in a spooky old house he lives in with his girlfriend. In order to test his theory that the discovery could help people feel calm in extreme situations, the scientist injects himself and his fellow scientists with the mold. The …

Fever is a 1982 novel by Robin Cook and is in the category of medical thriller. Set mainly in the Boston area and in rural New Hampshire, its main characters are a 12-year-old girl, Michelle Martel, with leukemia and her father, Charles Martel, a former allergist turned cancer researcher, as well as her stepmother …