image of توماس کوهن

توماس کوهن

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Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912 is a 1978 book by Thomas Kuhn, a philosopher and historian of science known for his work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. A second edition, with a new afterword, was published in 1987 by University of Chicago Press.

... Unknown
... Unknown

The Essential Tension is a book written by Thomas Samuel Kuhn.

... Unknown

ساختار انقلاب‌های علمی شناخته‌شده‌ترین کتاب توماس کوهن است که در آن به ارائه معیارهایی برای تشخیص انقلاب علمی می‌پردازد. این کتاب سه بار به فارسی ترجمه شده‌است.