《萨勒姆的女巫》,原名《炼狱》。该剧是美国剧作家亚瑟·米勒1953年的一部作品。剧本取材于1692年至1693年发生于马萨诸塞湾萨勒姆镇的塞勒姆审巫案。米勒撰写该剧影射美国政府奉行麦卡锡主义,将许多所谓共产主义者列入黑名单的事件。 米勒自己就曾被众议院质疑在1956年从事过反美活动,且因拒绝指认其他一起参加活动的人而被指控为“藐视议会”。该剧于1953年1月22日于百老汇的贝克剧院首次演出。米勒认为此次制作过于程式化、缺乏热情,且针对该剧的评论多充满敌意。即便如此,《萨勒姆的女巫》仍旧赢得了1953年托尼奖的最佳剧本奖。 …
Resurrection Blues is Arthur Miller's penultimate play. Though Miller was not known for his humor, this play uses a pointed comedic edge to intensify his observations about the dangers, as well as the benefits, of blind belief: political, religious, economic and emotional.
The Last Yankee is a play by Arthur Miller, which premiered on January 5, 1993 at the Manhattan Theatre Club in New York City. The cast included Tom Aldredge as John Frick, Frances Conroy as Patricia Hamilton, Rose Gregorio as Karen Frick, John Heard as Leroy Hamilton, and Charlotte Maier as the Patient. The play had …