《给下一轮太平盛世的备忘录》是卡尔维诺去美国的演讲集,原文以意大利文写成,翻译成英文,从英文书名中可得知:此书本来预定有六讲,但还没有踏足该地就死于脑出血,第六讲“一致性”尚未完成。其儿子就收集了卡尔维诺的前五篇演讲稿,成了一本给下一轮太平盛世的备忘录,主要是讲作者对文学的研究和期望。 …
t zero is a 1967 collection of short stories by Italian author Italo Calvino. The title story is based on a particularly uncertain moment in the life of a lion hunter. This second in time, t₀, is considered by the hunter against known previous seconds and hypothetical future seconds "Qfwfq" narrates the first set of …
In these widely praised essays, Calvino reflects on literature as process, the great narrative game in the course of which writer and reader are challenged to understand the world. Calvino himself made the selection of pieces to be included in this volume. Translated by Patrick Creagh. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book