Oriental Magic, by Idries Shah, is a study of magical practices in diverse cultures from Europe and Africa, through Asia to the Far East. Originally published in 1956 and still in print today, it was the first of this author’s 35 books. The work was launched with the encouragement of the anthropologist, Professor …
Ce second volume des aventures de Nasrudin nous entraîne dans les situations les plus inattendues et les plus drôles. À sa manière abrupte et bondissante mais aussi de façon très subtile, Nasrudin enseigne une philosophie de la vie quotidienne, imprégnée d'un sens aigu de la réalité et d'une connaissance profonde de …
The Sufis is one of the best known books on Sufism by the writer Idries Shah. First published in 1964 with an introduction by Robert Graves, it introduced Sufi ideas to the West in a format acceptable to non-specialists at a time when the study of Sufism had largely become the reserve of Orientalists. Shortly before …
Traditionally categorized as a form of mysticism largely centered in the Middle East, Sufism has intrigued Eastern and Western scholars for many centuries. Powerful traces of its ideas have been found in the ideas of such diverse people as Dante, the Troubadours, Shakespeare and Spinoza. Recently, however, attention …