image of Стивен Фрай

Стивен Фрай

... Unknown

The Stars' Tennis Balls is a psychological thriller novel by Stephen Fry, first published in 2000. In the United States, the title was changed to Revenge. The story is a modern adaptation of Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo, which was in turn based on a contemporary urban legend. The original title comes …

... Unknown

«Как творить историю» — фантастический роман английского писателя Стивена Фрая в жанре альтернативной истории и социальной сатиры. Написан в 1996 году, первое издание вышло в английском издательстве «Random House». Русский перевод выполнен Сергеем Ильиным, впервые опубликован издательством «Фантом Пресс» в 2005 году. …

... Unknown

Moab Is My Washpot is Stephen Fry’s autobiography, covering the first 20 years of his life. Reviewers described it as both humorous and painfully candid. In the book, Fry is candid about his many weaknesses, including stealing, cheating and lying. The book covers some of the same ground as in Fry’s first novel, The …

... Unknown

Stephen Fry's breathtakingly outrageous debut novel is by turns eccentric, shocking, brilliantly comic and achingly romantic.Adrian Healey loves to lie. He does it all the time. Every minute, every moment. And worse, he does it wonderfully, imaginatively, brilliantly. He lies to buck the system, to express his …