image of Elmore Leonard

Elmore Leonard

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Pagan Babies is a 2000 crime novel written by Elmore Leonard.

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Pronto is a crime novel written by Elmore Leonard and published in 1993. Leonard introduces three main characters and gets them moving against each other. Harry is constantly reminiscing about World War II. Tommy carries a picture of the old crime boss Frank Costello in his wallet. Raylan is a U.S. Marshal who wears a …

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Road Dogs è un romanzo noir dello scrittore statunitense Elmore Leonard, pubblicato negli Stati Uniti nel 2009 e in Italia nel 2012. Il titolo, letteralmente cani di strada, deriva dallo slang carcerario americano con il quale si definiscono due amici che in prigione si spalleggiano e si difendono l'uno con l'altro. …

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Split Images is a crime novel written by Elmore Leonard published in 1981.

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Swag is a crime novel by Elmore Leonard, first published as a paperback in 1976 and since also released as a large print hardcover and as an audio recording. Some paperback editions, including the first American edition, were published under the alternative title of Ryan's Rules. Ernest Stickley, Jr. reappears in …

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