Empire is a speculative fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. It tells the story of a possible second American Civil War, this time between the Right Wing and Left Wing in the near future. It is the first of the two books in The Empire duet, followed by Hidden Empire with the video game Shadow Complex bridging the two.

The Ships of Earth is the third book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Offers tips and advice on writing science fiction, discussing the rules of fiction, and how to structure a successful story

Earthfall is the fourth book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Kryształowe Miasto to należąca do gatunku fantasy powieść Orsona Scotta Carda, będąca szóstą częścią cyklu Opowieści o Alvinie Stwórcy. W Polsce książka wydana została nakładem wydawnictwa Prószyński i S-ka.

Wyrms is a science fiction novel by American writer Orson Scott Card. The story examines desire, wisdom, and human will. Card describes a version of the tri-partite soul, similar to that articulated by Plato in The Republic.

Uczeń Alvin – powieść fantasy amerykańskiego pisarza Orsona Scotta Carda z 1989 roku. Jest to trzecia część cyklu Opowieści o Alvinie Stwórcy. W Polsce książka wydana została nakładem wydawnictwa Prószyński i S-ka. Uczeń Alvin zdobył w 1990 nagrodę Locusa za najlepszą powieść fantasy oraz był nominowany do Hugo i …

Earthborn is the concluding fifth book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Magic Street is an urban fantasy novel by Orson Scott Card. This book follows the magical events in the Baldwin Hills section of contemporary Los Angeles, including the life of protagonist Mack Street, his foster brother Cecil Tucker, a trickster identified variously as Bag Man, Puck, Mr. Christmas, and numerous other …