image of 太宰治


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《斜阳》是太宰治于1947年所出版的小说,故事背景为二次大战后的日本,象征的是二次大战后混乱的社会下,一个贵族家庭的没落过程。主角为女儿和子、儿子直治、母亲以及直治的老师上原。小说的主要部分由角色们的书信与邮记形式所写成。 …

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Crackling Mountain and Other Stories features eleven outstanding works by Osama Dazai, widely regarded as one of the 20th century Japan's most gifted writers.Dazai experimented with a wide variety of short story styles and brought to each a sophisticated sense of humor, a broad empathy for the human condition, and a …

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