"It began as a mistake." By middle age, Henry Chinaski has lost more than twelve years of his life to the U.S. Postal Service. In a world where his three true, bitter pleasures are women, booze, and racetrack betting, he somehow drags his hangover out of bed every dawn to lug waterlogged mailbags up mud-soaked …

Misto Quente é o quarto Romance escrito pelo escritor Charles Bukowski, publicado em 1982 pela editora Black Sparrow Books nos Estados Unidos, em 2005 pela L&PM Editores no Brasil.

Factotum é o segundo Romance escrito pelo escritor Charles Bukowski, publicado em 1975 pela editora Black Sparrow Books nos Estados Unidos, em 2007 pela L&PM Editores no Brasil.

Mulheres é o terceiro Romance escrito pelo escritor Charles Bukowski, publicado em 1978 pela editora Black Sparrow Books nos Estados Unidos, em 2011 pela L&PM Editores no Brasil.

Hollywood é um romance de 1989 escrito por Charles Bukowski que narra de forma ficcional suas experiências escrevendo o roteiro do filme Barfly.

With Bukowski, the votes are still coming in. There seems to be no middle ground—people seem either to love him or hate him. Tales of his own life and doings are as wild and weird as the very stories he writes. In a sense, Bukowski was a legend in his time . . . a madman, a recluse, a lover . . . tender, vicious . . . …

First published in 1977, Love Is a Dog from Hell is a collection of Bukowski's poetry from the mid-seventies. A classic in the Bukowski canon, Love Is a Dog from Hell is a raw, lyrical, exploration of the exigencies, heartbreaks, and limits of love.