Red Dragon is a novel by American author Thomas Harris, first published in 1981. It introduced the character Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer. The novel was adapted as a film, Manhunter, in 1986 which featured Brian Cox as Lecter. Directed by Michael Mann, the film was …

Hannibal er en roman fra 1999 af den amerikanske forfatter Thomas Harris og efterfølgeren til Ondskabens Øjne. Den blev filmatiseret i 2001 med Ridley Scott som instruktør.

Black Sunday is a 1975 novel by Thomas Harris. It was the first novel by Harris, and achieved only moderate success until it was sold to Hollywood. The novel is a thriller about a plot by terrorists to commit mass murder during the Super Bowl in New Orleans, and law enforcement efforts to stop them. Harris wrote the …

Red Dragon is a novel by American author Thomas Harris, first published in 1981. It introduced the character Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer. The novel was adapted as a film, Manhunter, in 1986 which featured Brian Cox as Lecter. Directed by Michael Mann, the film was …