image of John Perkins

John Perkins

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Secret History of the American Empire From the author of the "New York Times" bestseller "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" comes an expos of international corruption. Perkins suggests how Americans can work to create a more peaceful and stable world for future generations.

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Shape Shifting The ancient shamanic practice of shapeshifting allows an individual to transform themselves on a deep level and to achieve a true unity with all things by "becoming the other." John Perkins reveals the mental techniques that enable an individual not only to merge with another living creature, but to …

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Les Confessions d'un assassin financier - Révélations sur la manipulation des économies du monde par les États-Unis est la traduction en français du livre Confessions of an Economic Hit Man écrit par John Perkins et publié en 2004. Perkins y relate sa carrière dans la firme de consultants Chas. T. Main de Boston. …