Sense and Sensibility is a novel by Jane Austen, and was her first published work when it appeared in 1811 under the pseudonym "A Lady". A work of romantic fiction, better known as a comedy of manners, Sense and Sensibility is set in southwest England, London and Kent between 1792 and 1797, and portrays the life and …
This is part of a complete set of Jane Austen's novels collating the editions published during the author's lifetime and previously unpublished manuscripts. The books are illustrated with 19th century plates and incorporate revisions by experts in the light of subsequent research.
גאווה ודעה קדומה הוא הרומן הידוע ביותר של הסופרת הבריטית ג'יין אוסטן. הוא נכתב בין 1796 – 1797, ונקרא בתחילה "התרשמויות ראשוניות". הרומן עבר הגהה ב-1811 ופורסם שנתיים לאחר מכן ב-1813.