Last night while I lay thinking here Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear And pranced and partied all night long And sang their same old Whatif song:Whatif I flunk that test?Whatif green hair grows on my chest?Whatif nobody likes me?Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?...Here in the attic of Shel Silverstein you will …

From New York Times bestselling Shel Silverstein, celebrated creator of Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, and Falling Up, comes an amazing collection of never-before-published poems and drawings.Have you ever read a book with everything on it? Well, here it is! You will say Hi-ho for the toilet troll, get …

Falling Up is a 1996 poetry collection for children by Shel Silverstein, published by HarperCollins. It features illustrations, drawn by the author, for most of the 144 poems. Silverstein dedicated the book to his son, Matthew. It is also the third and final poetry collection by Silverstein in his lifetime, as he died …