The Great Wall of China is the first posthumous collection of short stories by Franz Kafka published in Germany in 1931. It was edited by Max Brod and Hans Joachim Schoeps and collected previously unpublished short stories, incomplete stories, fragments and aphorisms written by Kafka between 1917 and 1924. The first …

A Hunger Artist Franz Kafka - Kafka wrote "Hunger Artist" as he was starving to death. He suffered from a bad case of laryngeal tuberculosis that made eating too painful. As the condition worsened his throat closed and doctors had no way to feed him. He was 40 when he died."Hunger Artist" has a bitter irony feel to …

Letters to Milena is a book collecting some of Franz Kafka's letters to Milena Jesenská from 1920 to 1923.

Zjevení Orfea je román amerického spisovatele Jacka Kerouaca. Kerouac knihu napsal v roce 1945 v době studií na Columbia University, avšak objevena byla až roku 2002 v jeho pozůstalosti. Jack román napsal nedlouho poté, co se seznámil s Allenem Ginsbergem, W. S. Burrougsem a dalšími postavami, kteří jsou považováni za …