The Outsider är en bok av Colin Wilson utgiven i England 1956. Det var hans debut som författare och boken översattes till svenska av Nils Holmberg 1959 med titeln Outsidern.

The Occult: A History är en bok om det ockulta av den engelske författaren Colin Wilson. Bland de personer som nämns i boken återfinns bland annat Aleister Crowley, George Gurdjieff, Helena Blavatsky och Grigorij Rasputin. Ämnen som behandlas är exempelvis primitiv magi och fenomen som levitation.

Wilson has blended H.P. Lovecraft's dark vision with his own revolutionary philosophy and unique narrative powers to produce a stunning, high-tension story of vaulting imagination. A professor makes a horrifying discovery while excavating a sinister archaeological site. For over 200 years, mind parasites have been …

The Space Vampires is a British science fiction horror novel written by author Colin Wilson, and first published in England and the United States by Random House in 1976. This is Wilson's fifty-first book. It is about the remnants of a race of intergalactic vampires who are brought back from outer space and are …

From Atlantis to the Sphinx is a work of non-fiction by British author, Colin Wilson, with the subheading Recovering the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient World. Wilson proposes in the text that the Great Sphinx of Giza was constructed by a technologically advanced people "nearly 10,000 years before Egyptologists have …