Public Opinion er en bok fra 1922 om medier og demokrati av Walter Lippmann. Blant andre ting argumenterer den for at 20. århundres framgang i teknologien for å «produsere samtykke» vokser til «en revolusjon» i «demokratisk praksis» fordi den tillater eliten å styre offentlig mening om verden og om offentlighetens …
Drift and Mastery: An Attempt to Diagnose the Current Unrest is the second book by American journalist and political thinker Walter Lippmann. Published in the Fall of 1914, Drift and Mastery argues that rational scientific governing can overcome forces of societal drift. Lippmann argued that due to the profound social …
Liberty and the News is Walter Lippman's classic account of how the press threatens democracy whenever it has an agenda other than the free flow of ideas. Arguing that there is a necessary connection between liberty and truth, Lippman excoriates the press, claiming that it exists primarily for its own purposes and …