The Burroughs File is a collection of short fiction and non-fiction writings by Beat Generation author William S. Burroughs covering a period of more than 20 years. The collection was first published in 1984. The book incorporates several smaller collections that had previously been published separately: White Subway, …

Last Words: The Final Journals of William S. Burroughs is a collection of diary entries made by Beat Generation author William S. Burroughs between November 16, 1996 and July 30, 1997, only a few days before his death on August 2 at the age of 83. The collection was first published in hardcover by Grove Press in 2000 …

The Last Words of Dutch Schultz is a closet screenplay by Beat Generation author William S. Burroughs, first published in 1970. Based upon the life of 1930s German-Jewish-American gangster Dutch Schultz, the novel uses as its springboard Schultz's surreal last words, which were delivered in the midst of high-fever …

«Порт святых» — роман Уильяма Берроуза, впервые опубликованный в 1973 году и ставший последней крупной работой, написанной писателем во время добровольного изгнания в Европу в конце 1960-х — начале 1970-х гг. Один из самых коротких романов Берроуза, «Порт святых» использует персонажей из предыдущих работ писателя; …

Blade Runner (a movie) is a science fiction novella by Beat Generation author William S. Burroughs, first published in 1979. The novella began as a story treatment for a proposed film adaptation of Alan E. Nourse's novel The Bladerunner. A later edition published in the 1980s changed the formatting of the title to …

Tornado Alley is a collection of short stories and one poem by Beat Generation author William S. Burroughs, written during the later years of his career and first published in 1989. The first edition of the book included illustrations by S. Clay Wilson. Notable pieces in the collection include the poem "Thanksgiving …