Uskonnollinen kokemus on William Jamesin vuonna 1902 ilmestynyt uskonnonfilosofinen ja uskonnonpsykologinen teos. Edinburghin yliopistossa pidettyyn luentosarjaan perustuva kirja on alansa klassikko. Teos on ilmestynyt suomeksi vuonna 1914 sekä uutena käännöksenä 1981.

The Principles of Psychology is a monumental text in the history of psychology, written by American psychologist William James and published in 1890. James was an American philosopher and psychologist who trained to be a physician before going into psychology. Known as "The Father of Psychology", James also authored …

The Principles of Psychology is a monumental text in the history of psychology, written by American psychologist William James and published in 1890. James was an American philosopher and psychologist who trained to be a physician before going into psychology. Known as "The Father of Psychology", James also authored …