No centro da trama deste romance esta Philip Carey, estudante de medicina que, por ser manco, e rejeitado pela sociedade. Ao lado dele surge a sedutora Mildred, que desafia o orgulho intelectual de Philip. Para conquista-la, ele se sujeita a forma mais vil de escravidao: a renuncia a propria dignidade.

The Razor's Edge é um romance do escritor William Somerset Maugham, publicado em 1944. Neste livro, Somerset Maugham criou um dos mais fascinantes personagens do seu vasto legado literário.

The Painted Veil é o nome da obra literária de William Somerset Maugham, que mais tarde foi adaptado ao cinema em O Despertar de Uma Paixão.

The Moon and Sixpence is a novel by W Somerset Maugham, told in episodic form by a first-person narrator, in a series of glimpses into the mind and soul of the central character Charles Strickland, a middle-aged English stockbroker, who abandons his wife and children abruptly to pursue his desire to become an artist. …

Cakes and Ale is a delicious satire of London literary society between the Wars. Social climber Alroy Kear is flattered when he is selected by Edward Driffield's wife to pen the official biography of her lionized novelist husband, and determined to write a bestseller. But then Kear discovers the great novelist's …

Set in a villa in the hills above Florence, this moving novel reveals the power of desperate love. Mary Panton ignores her desires as she contemplates her loveless marriage, but a single act of compassion begins a nightmare of violence that destroys her serenity.

The Magician is a novel by British author W. Somerset Maugham, originally published in 1908. In this tale, the magician Oliver Haddo, a caricature of Aleister Crowley, attempts to create life. Crowley wrote a critique of this book under the pen name Oliver Haddo, in which he accused Maugham of plagiarism. Maugham …

Ashenden: Or the British Agent is a 1928 collection of loosely linked stories by W. Somerset Maugham. It is partly based on the author's experience as a member of British Intelligence in Europe during the First World War.

These 30 short stories, comprising Somerset Maugham's first collection, are set in locations ranging from England, France and Spain to the silver sands of the South Pacific. They include "Rain," "The Three Fat Women of Antibes," "The Voice of the Turtle," and "Before the Party."For more than seventy years, Penguin has …