Henry IV, Part 1 is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written no later than 1597. It is the second play in Shakespeare's tetralogy dealing with the successive reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, and Henry V. Henry IV, Part 1 depicts a span of history that begins with Hotspur's battle at Homildon …
Henry V is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in approximately 1599. It tells the story of King Henry V of England, focusing on events immediately before and after the Battle of Agincourt during the Hundred Years' War. In the First Quarto text, it was entitled The Cronicle History of …
A wide-ranging selection from the most recent criticism of Antony and Cleopatra, beginning with seminal work from the 1950s onwards and culminating in a series of radical reappraisals of the play's content, form and appeal to modern readers. The essays, together with a substantial Introduction, offer a controversial, …
The final play in Shakespeare's masterly dramatization of the strife between the Houses of York and Lancaster, Richard III offers a stunning portrait of an archvillain — a man of cunning and ruthless ambition who seduces, betrays and murders his way to the throne. In the process, Richard delivers great speeches and …
Shakespeare's Sonnets is the title of a collection of 154 sonnets accredited to William Shakespeare which cover themes such as the passage of time, love, beauty and mortality. It was first published in a 1609 quarto with the full stylised title: SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS. Never before imprinted.. The quarto ends with "A …
Includes the unabridged text of Shakespeare's classic play plus a complete study guide that helps readers gain a thorough understanding of the work's content and context. The comprehensive guide includes scene-by-scene summaries, explanations and discussions of the plot, question-and-answer sections, author biography, …
Ukročena trmoglavka je ena zgodnjih odrskih del - komedij Williama Shakespeara. V Padovi je živel bogat plemič. Imel je dve hčerki. Najstarejšo so zaradi svojega glasu, zadirčnosti in trmoglavosti klicali Katarina Trmoglavka. Mnogo snubcev je prišlo, da bi omožilo Katarinino sestro Bianco, vendar jih je plemič …
Dvanajsta noč ali Kar hočete je komedija angleškega dramatika Williama Shakespeara, ki je poimenovana po prazniku Dvanajsta noč. Drama je bila prvič izdana leta 1623 v prvem foliu, sedem let po Shakespearovi smrti. Zgodba se dogaja v Iliriji. Glavne osebe zgodbe so Viola, vojvoda Orsino in Gospod Toby Belch. Prva …
Much Ado About Nothing is a comedic play by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599, as Shakespeare was approaching the middle of his career. The play was included in the First Folio, published in 1623. Much Ado About Nothing is generally considered one of Shakespeare's best comedies, because …
Beneški trgovec je komedija Williama Shakespeara. V Benetkah trgovca Antonia prijatelj Bassanio prosi za denar, da bi lahko zaprosil bogato Porzio. Antonio pri sebi nima denarja, zato si ga sposodi pri bančniku Shylocku, ta pa od njega zahteva, da če po treh mesecih ne vrne denarja, si bo vzel en fund mesa iz …