image of ヨハネ・パウロ2世


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Crossing the Threshold of Hope was written in 1994 by Pope John Paul II. It was published originally in Italian by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore and in English by Alfrede A. Knopf, Inc. It is distributed by Random House, Inc., New York City. By 1998, the book had sold several million copies and was published in forty …

... Unknown

Love and Responsibility is a book written by Karol Wojtyła before he became Pope John Paul II and was originally published in Polish in 1960 and in English in 1981. A new, completely updated and original translation was published in 2013. The work consists of five chapters; One: The Person and the Sexual Urge; Two: …

... Unknown

いのちの福音とは、教皇ヨハネ・パウロ二世が1995年に出した回勅。「人間のいのちの価値と不可侵性について 司教、司祭と助祭、修道者、信徒、そしてすべての善意の皆さんへ」宛てられたものである。

... Unknown

The Jeweler's Shop is a three-act play, written by Pope John Paul II in 1960, that looks at three couples as their lives become intertwined and mingled with one another. The play looks at humanity's ideas and expectations of romantic love and marriage. It is a truthful and animated look at the way people are when in …