Äcklet är en brevroman från 1938 av Jean-Paul Sartre. Den brukar räknas som ett av hans mest kända verk. År 1950 tilldelades romanen Grand prix des Meilleurs romans du demi-siècle, en utmärkelse för de tolv bästa romanerna på franska från första halvan av 1900-talet.

4 plays about an existential portrayal of Hell, the reworking of the Electra-Orestes story, the conflict of a young intellectual torn between theory and conflict and an arresting attack on American racism. An existential portrayal of Hell, the reworking of the Electra-Orestes story, the conflict of a young …

The first novel of Sartre's monumental Roads to Freedom series, The Age of Reason is set in 1938 and tells of Mathieu, a French professor of philosophy who is obsessed with the idea of freedom. As the shadows of the Second World War draw closer -- even as his personal life is complicated by his mistress's pregnancy -- …

Varat och intet betraktas allmänt som den franske filosofen Jean-Paul Sartres viktigaste teoretiska arbete. I boken beskriver och tolkar han hela tillvaron i dess grundande. Alla de stora ämnena avhandlas: medvetandet, handlingen, friheten, ansvaret, moralen, döden etc. Sartre tar även upp relationerna människor …

One of Sartre’s greatest existentialist works of fiction, The Wall contains the only five short stories he ever wrote. Set during the Spanish Civil War, the title story crystallizes the famous philosopher’s existentialism. 'The Wall', the lead story in this collection, introduces three political prisoners on the night …

The full French text of Sartre's novel is accompanied by French-English vocabulary. Notes and a detailed introduction in English put the work in its social and historical context.

Jean-Paul Sartre's famous autobiography of his first ten years has been widely compared to Rousseau's Confessions. Written when he was fifty-nine years old, The Words is a masterpiece of self-analysis. Sartre the philosopher, novelist and playwright brings to his own childhood the same rigor of honesty and insight he …

Jordens fördömda, är ett av Frantz Fanons verk, som berör den algeriska frihetskampen. Som psykiater utforskar Fanon den psykologiska dimensionen av kolonialismen. Titeln är ett citat från den franska texten till Internationalen, som inleds med följande ord: "Debout les damnés de la terre" vilken i svensk översättning …