Księga Sądu Ostatecznego – powieść fantastycznonaukowa amerykańskiej autorki Connie Willis z 1992 roku Utwór zdobył najważniejsze nagrody w swoim gatunku: Nebulę w 1992 r. oraz Hugo w 1993 r. W tym samych realiach rozgrywają się: opowiadanie Praktyka dyplomowa oraz powieść Nie licząc psa, Prószyński i S-ka …

Nie licząc psa – utrzymana w humorystycznej konwencji powieść science fiction amerykańskiej pisarki Connie Willis, wydana w 1997 roku. Akcja powieści toczy się dwutorowo: w drugiej połowie XXI wieku, w świecie, w którym możliwe jest podróżowanie w czasie oraz w czasach wiktoriańskich, do których wysłani zostają …

Pop culture, chaos theory and matters of the heart collide in this unique novella from the Hugo and Nebula winning author of Doomsday Book. Sandra Foster studies fads and their meanings for the HiTek corporation. Bennet O'Reilly works with monkey group behavior and chaos theory for the same company. When the two …

Przejście, powieść science fiction amerykańskiej pisarki Connie Willis. Opublikowana przez wydawnictwo Bantam Books w 2001 r. Polskie tłumaczenie Piotra Budkiewicza wydała oficyna Zysk i S-ka w 2003 r. Powieść zdobyła nagrodę Locusa w 2002 r., była także nominowana do nagród Hugo i Nebula. Bohaterowie, psycholog …

Blackout and All Clear are the two volumes that comprise a 2010 science fiction novel by American author Connie Willis. Blackout was published February 2, 2010 by Spectra. The second part, the conclusion All Clear, was released as a separate book on October 19, 2010. The diptych won the 2010 Nebula Award for Best …

Lincoln's Dreams is a 1987 novel about a historical researcher studying the U.S. Civil War who meets a young woman who seems to be dreaming General Lee's dreams. Connie Willis brings to her writing a sense of realism and apparently detailed research into historical aspects of her fiction. This book is about …

Blackout and All Clear are the two volumes that comprise a 2010 science fiction novel by American author Connie Willis. Blackout was published February 2, 2010 by Spectra. The second part, the conclusion All Clear, was released as a separate book on October 19, 2010. The diptych won the 2010 Nebula Award for Best …

Winner of seven Nebula and eleven Hugo awards, Connie Willis is one of the most acclaimed and imaginative authors of our time. Her startling and powerful works have redefined the boundaries of contemporary science fiction. Here in one volume are twelve of her greatest stories, including double award-winner "Fire …

Impossible Things is a collection of short stories by Connie Willis, first published in 1993, that includes tales of ecological disaster, humorous satire, tragedy, and satirical alternate realities. Its genres range from comedy to tragedy to horror. Three of the stories are Nebula Award winners, and two of these also …

In Miracle and Other Christmas Stories, author Connie Willis provides a variety of feelings and experiences. These stories are not as varied in emotional tone as her other collections, because they are in keeping with the spirit and theme of Christmas: Miracle Inn In Coppelius's Toyshop The Pony Adaptation Cat's Paw …