image of Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie

... Unknown

Lordin kuolema on Agatha Christien kirjoittama salapoliisiromaani. Se ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran Britanniassa Collins Crime Clubin kustantamana ja myöhemmin samana vuonna Yhdysvalloissa Dodd, Mead and Companyn kustantamana nimellä Thirteen at Dinner. Romaanin päähenkilöitä ovat Hercule Poirot, Arthur Hastings ja …

... Unknown

A dentist lies murdered at his Harley Street practice...The dentist was found with a blackened hole below his right temple. A pistol lay on the floor near his outflung right hand. Later, one of his patients was found dead from a lethal dose of local anaesthetic. A clear case of murder and suicide. But why would a …

... Unknown
... Unknown
... Unknown