image of Платон


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«Бенкет» — філософський твір Платона датований приблизно 385-380 р. до н.е. Діалог являє собою розповідь Аполлодора, учня Сократа, на бенкеті, який влаштував трагічний поет Агафон з нагоди перемоги на Ленеях в 416. Крім вступу і висновку, «Бенкет» містить сім промов: I. Федра, II. Павсанія, III. Еріксімаха, …

... Unknown

The Charmides is a dialogue of Plato, in which Socrates engages a handsome and popular boy in a conversation about the meaning of sophrosyne, a Greek word usually translated into English as "temperance", "self-control", or "restraint". As is typical with Platonic early dialogues, the two never arrive at a completely …

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The Philebus, is one of the surviving Socratic dialogues written in the 4th century BC by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Apart from Socrates, the primary speaker in Philebus, the other speakers are Philebus and Protarchus. But Philebus, who wants to defend the life of pleasure, hedonism, which Socrates describes …

... Unknown

Hippias Minor, or On Lying, is thought to be one of Plato's early works. Socrates matches wits with an arrogant polymath who is also a smug literary critic. Hippias believes that Homer can be taken at face value, and that Achilles may be believed when he says he hates liars, whereas Odysseus' resourceful behavior …

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