image of H. Rider Haggard

H. Rider Haggard

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The Saga of Eric Brighteyes is the title of an epic viking novel by H. Rider Haggard, and concerns the adventures of its eponymous principal character in 10th century Iceland. The novel was first published in 1890 by Longmans, Green & Company. It was illustrated by Lancelot Speed.

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Sir Henry Rider Haggard was one of the pioneering writers in the adventure and lost world subgenre. His dozens of books have captured the hearts of minds of countless readers, with exciting adventures, lost cities and well written plots. In "Hear of the World", Haggard manages to draw in the reader in a fast-paced …

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Il mondo perduto, edito anche come Un mondo perduto, è un romanzo fantastico del 1912 di Arthur Conan Doyle. È una delle opere di riferimento del filone avventuroso del "mondo perduto" sviluppatosi a cavallo tra Ottocento e Novecento e da esso sono stati tratti numerosi film. Narra di una spedizione su un tepui dove …

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Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by the popular Victorian author H. Rider Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She. It was serialised in the Windsor Magazine in 1904-5. Its significance was recognised by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing …