《思想录》是17世纪哲学家、数学家布莱兹·帕斯卡为基督教辩护的一本书。帕斯卡改宗并秉持禁欲主义观点,《思想录》一书大致上是他生活的写照。“帕斯卡的赌注”一词起源自该书,Pensées一名也是在他死后才被别人给出的,因为他死时这部书并没能完成。 《思想录》一书是由小的笔记和观点拼凑而成的,不过据信在帕斯卡去世前他本人就已近开始着手修订这部书,打算将其内容连续起来。而后世的编辑都在如何安排该书章节的顺序上争执不休。 该书在他死后的1669年出版。 第一个英语版本由约翰·沃克翻译于1688年。 …

For much of his life, Pascal (1623-62) worked on a magnum opus which was never published in the form the philosopher intended. Instead, Pascal left a mass of fragments, some of them meant as notes for the Apologie. These became known as the Pensées, and they occupy a crucial place in Western philosophy and religious …

Included in this volume are fourteen of the fragments intended for Pascal's Jansenist-inspired defense of the Christian religion. Using the Chevalier edition, these are grouped to present a logical development of three themes, "The State of Man in Ignorance of God," "The Wager," and "The Christian Life." This …