A Floating City is an adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne first published in 1871. It tells of a woman who, on board the ship Great Eastern with her abusive husband, finds that the man she loves is also on board.

The Danube Pilot is a novel by Jules Verne. It was first published in 1908, three years after his death, and like most of the books published posthumously, had been extensively revised by his son, Michel. Part of the Voyages Extraordinaires series, it recounts the adventures of the lead character, a prize winner in …

『八十日間世界一周』は、ジュール・ヴェルヌによる1872年に発表されたフランスの小説。 イギリス人資産家フィリアス・フォッグが執事のパスパルトゥーを従え、後期ビクトリア朝時代の世界を80日で一周しようと試みる、波瀾万丈の冒険物語である。古典的冒険小説である。 …