Rosemary's Baby is a 1967 best-selling horror novel by Ira Levin, his second published book. It sold over 4 million copies "making it the top bestselling horror novel of the 1960s."

The internationally bestselling novel by the author of A Kiss Before Dying, The Boys from Brazil, and Rosemary's BabyWith an Introduction by Peter StraubFor Joanna, her husband, Walter, and their children, the move to beautiful Stepford seems almost too good to be true. It is. For behind the town's idyllic facade lies …

『ブラジルから来た少年』は、アメリカの作家アイラ・レヴィンが1976年に発表した小説。映画化、ラジオドラマ化されている。 小説は日本語版が早川書房のハヤカワ文庫から出版されている。 ブラジルでヒトラーのクローンを再生させようとする科学者ヨーゼフ・メンゲレと、それを阻止しようとするナチ・ハンターのユダヤ人・リーベルマンとの葛藤を描く。 …

This Perfect Day, by Ira Levin, is a heroic science fiction novel about a technocratic dystopia. It is often compared to Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World. Levin won a Prometheus Award in 1992 for this novel. This Perfect Day is one of two Levin novels yet to be adapted to film.

『死の接吻』は、アイラ・レヴィンの長編ミステリー小説。23歳になったばかりの時に完成した処女小説であるが、1953年に発表されると大きな反響を呼び、翌1954年のエドガー賞 …

Sliver is a novel by U.S. author Ira Levin about the mysterious people in a privately owned New York highrise apartment building, especially after a new tenant — an attractive young working woman in publishing — has moved in. The novel became the basis for the 1993 film of the same name starring Sharon Stone, William …

Deathtrap is a play written by Ira Levin in 1978 with many plot twists and which references itself as a play within a play. It is in two acts with one set and five characters. It holds the record for the longest running comedy-thriller on Broadway and was also nominated for the Tony Award for Best Play. Deathtrap was …