In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong is a 2008 book by Amin Maalouf. In this work, Maalouf discusses the identity crisis which Arabs have experienced since the establishment of continuous relationships with the west, adding his personal dimension as a Christian Arab. The book is intended for both …
Yüzüncü Ad: "Baldassare'nin Yolculuğu" Amin Maalouf'un yazdığı tarihsel kurgu bir romandır. Doğu'da yaşayan son Cenevizliler'den olan Baldasarre Embriaco, 1665'te yaşadığı yer olan Lübnan'nın Cübeyl kentinden kaybettiği bir kitabı bulmak için yollara düşer. İncil'e göre ertesi yıl, yani 1666 yılı dünyanın sonu …
Tanios Kayası, 1993 senesinde çıkan bir Amin Maalouf kitabı. Maalouf bu kitapla Goncourt Ödülü'nü kazanmıştır. Kitabı Türkçeye Esin Talu Çelikkan çevirmiş.
This series is designed to bring to North American readers the once-unheard voices of writers who have achieved wide acclaim at home, but are not recognized beyond the borders of their native lands. With special emphasis on women writers, Interlink's Emerging Voices series publishes the best of the world's …
Born in a Mesopotamian village in the third century, the son of a Parthian warrior, Mani grows up in a volatile and dangerous world. As battle rages for control over the Middle East between the great Roman and Persian empires, as Jews and Christians, Buddhists and Zoroastrians fight for ascendency, Mani- painter, …