Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930 is a 1931 book of literary criticism by Edmund Wilson on the Symbolist movement in literature.

Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War is a 1962 book of historical and literary criticism written by Edmund Wilson. It consists of 26 chapters about the works and lives of almost 30 writers, including Ambrose Bierce, George Washington Cable‡, Mary Boykin Chesnut, Kate Chopin, John William …

Memoirs of Hecate County is a work of fiction by Edmund Wilson, first published in 1946, but banned in the United States until 1959, when it was reissued with minor revisions by the author. Although it is sometimes described as a novel, the only link between the six stories is the narrator. The Man Who Shot Snapping …

Literary Essays and Reviews of the 1930s 40s: The Triple Thinkers, The Wound and the Bow, Classics and Commercials, Uncollected Reviews is a book by Edmund Wilson.

Edmund Wilson turned forty-five in 1940, and this volume shows the extent to which he was reappraising his life in the decade to follow - saying goodbye to the drifting of the 1920s and the Marxism of the 1930s.

The final volume of journals by Edmund Wilson includes details of Wilson in Boston, Cambridge, Western Europe, Hungary, Jordan, and Israel; Wilson on Stravinsky, Auden, Andre+a7 Malraux, and Isaiah Berlin; and even Wilson in the White House.