Arch of Triumph is a 1945 novel by Erich Maria Remarque about stateless refugees in Paris before World War II. It was his second worldwide bestseller after All Quiet on the Western Front, written during his exile in the United States. It was made into a feature film in 1948 and remade as a television film in 1985.
The Black Obelisk is a novel written in 1956 by the German author Erich Maria Remarque. This novel paints a portrait of Germany in the early 1920s, a period marked by hyperinflation and rising nationalism. Ludwig, the protagonist, is in his mid twenties; just like most of his friends, he is a World War I veteran. …
Tid att älska dags att dö är den tyske författaren Erich Maria Remarques mest berömda roman efter På västfronten intet nytt. Den handlar om en tysk soldat som kommer hem på permission från kriget, i detta fall andra världskriget och utkom 1954 under den tyska originaltiteln Zeit zu leben und Zeit zu sterben.
Kamrater är en roman från 1937 av Erich Maria Remarque. Romanen beskriver tre desillusionerade första världskrigsveteraners liv i Berlin 1928. I svensk översättning 1976.
Natt i Lissabon är en roman av Erich Maria Remarque, utgiven1962, i svensk översättning 1963.
Vägen tillbaka, originaltitel Der Weg zurück, utgiven på svenska 1931, är en roman som är en uppföljare till På västfronten intet nytt av Erich Maria Remarque. Den handlar om vägen tillbaka för de soldater som överlevde första världskriget.
Heaven Has No Favorites is a novel by the German writer Erich Maria Remarque. This novel is a story about passion and love with a background of automobile racing. The novel was serialized in the Hamburg magazine Kristall in 1959 under the title Borrowed Life, and first published in book form in 1961.
Spark of Life is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, which appeared both in German and in English in 1952. The novel is set in the fictional Mellern concentration/labor camp during the Holocaust.
A haunting classic from the author of All Quiet on the Western Front, Shadows in Paradise reveals the deepest scars of the men and women who experienced the Holocaust. After years of hiding and surviving near death in a concentration camp, Ross is finally safe. Now living in New York City among old friends, far from …