《美丽新世界》,亦名“美妙的新世界”、“勇敢面对新世界”。为英国作家奥尔德斯·伦纳德·赫胥黎于1931年创作1932年发表的反乌托邦作品。故事设定在公元2540年的伦敦,描述了与当今社会迥异的“文明社会”的一系列科技,如人类试管培植、睡眠学习、心理操控、建立婴儿条件反射等。 …

The Doors of Perception is a short book by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1954, detailing his experiences when taking mescaline. The book takes the form of Huxley's recollection of a mescaline trip that took place over the course of an afternoon, and takes its title from a phrase in William Blake's 1793 poem The …

The final novel from Aldous Huxley, Island is a provocative counterpoint to his worldwide classic Brave New World, in which a flourishing, ideal society located on a remote Pacific island attracts the envy of the outside world.

《美丽新世界》,亦名“美妙的新世界”、“勇敢面对新世界”。为英国作家奥尔德斯·伦纳德·赫胥黎于1931年创作1932年发表的反乌托邦作品。故事设定在公元2540年的伦敦,描述了与当今社会迥异的“文明社会”的一系列科技,如人类试管培植、睡眠学习、心理操控、建立婴儿条件反射等。 …

《美丽新世界》,亦名“美妙的新世界”、“勇敢面对新世界”。为英国作家奥尔德斯·伦纳德·赫胥黎于1931年创作1932年发表的反乌托邦作品。故事设定在公元2540年的伦敦,描述了与当今社会迥异的“文明社会”的一系列科技,如人类试管培植、睡眠学习、心理操控、建立婴儿条件反射等。 …

Contrapunto es posiblemente la novela más ambiciosa y lograda de Huxley y la que dio mayor fama internacional, pues en ella da forma literaria al contrapunto musical, alternando acciones simultáneas que avanzan en paralelo y demostrando que eso es posible y funciona en una novela. Se convierte así en la historia …

He left his luggage to be called for later, and pushed off on his bicycle. He always took his bicycle when he went into the country. It was part of the theory of exercise. One day one would get up at six o'clock and pedal away to Kenilworth, or Stratford-on-Avon—anywhere. And within a radius of twenty miles there were …

Ape and Essence is a novel by Aldous Huxley, published by Chatto & Windus in the UK and Harper & Brothers in the US. It is set in a dystopia, similar to that in Brave New World, Huxley's more famous work. It is largely a satire of the rise of large-scale warfare and warmongering in the 20th century, and …

The Perennial Philosophy is a comparative study of mysticism by British novelist Aldous Huxley. Its title derives from the theological tradition of the philosophia perennis.

The Devils of Loudun is a 1952 non-fiction novel by Aldous Huxley. It is a historical narrative of supposed demonic possession, religious fanaticism, sexual repression, and mass hysteria which occurred in seventeenth-century France surrounding unexplained events that took place in the small town of Loudun. It centers …