image of Carl Hiaasen

Carl Hiaasen

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Team Rodent is a non-fiction book written by Carl Hiaasen about the Walt Disney Company and its stance towards the outside world. The book's primary focus is on non-film related Disney enterprises such as Disney World and their effects on the environment and local culture.

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À 18 ans, Twilly Spree a hérité cinq millions de dollars de son grand-père. Il est en liberté surveillée après avoir fait sauter la banque de son oncle qui avait accordé un prêt "à de gros pourris". Difficilement contrôlable, Twilly n'hésite pas à intervenir auprès de tous ceux qui adoptent un comportement …

... Unknown

Native Tongue is a novel by Carl Hiaasen, published in 1991. Like all his novels, it is set in Florida. The themes of the novel include corruption, environmentalism, exploitation of endangered species, and animal rights.

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