Aenir is the third book in Garth Nix's The Seventh Tower series, published in 2001 by Scholastic. The cover design and art are by Madalina Stefan and Steve Rawlings respectively. This book was released recently in the UK.
Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories is a collection of short stories by Garth Nix, which return to the setting of his popular Old Kingdom series. A hardback edition was released in the UK on November 6, 2006. There are two special editions of this book in the UK, one with "a unique cover" from WH …
Abhorsen – trzecia, ostatnia część trylogii Gartha Nixa o Starym Królestwie. Opowiada ona dalsze losy Lirael, która została wysłana z Lodowca Clayrów, aby zapobiec wydostaniu się na wolność ogromnemu, pradawnemu złu – Orannisowi. Z pomocą swojej rodziny i przyjaciół następczyni rodu Abhorsenów podąża, aby wypełnić …