Into Battle is the fifth book in Garth Nix's The Seventh Tower series, published in 2001 by Scholastic. In the book, the Icecarls are preparing to attack the Chosen's Castle to protect the Veil, which lies vulnerable as a mysterious force of evil begins to reveal itself. In this book, the Icecarls are fed up with the …
Lady Friday is the fifth novel by Garth Nix in his 'The Keys to the Kingdom' series. The fifth Trustee, Lady Friday, is mentioned at the end of the fourth book in the series, Sir Thursday, as a 'Doctor Friday'. Lady Friday is also mentioned in Grim Tuesday by Grim Tuesday as "that fool, Friday". Lady Friday is …
Lord Sunday is the seventh book concluding Garth Nix's The Keys to the Kingdom series. The book was released on 1 February 2010. The description reads "Arthur Penhaligon must complete his quest to save the Kingdom he is heir to... and Arthur's world." The book was the number 14 top selling book in Australia during its …