Invaders! is a collection of science fiction stories by Gordon R. Dickson. It was first published by Baen Books in 1985 and was edited by Sandra Miesel. Most of the stories originally appeared in the magazines Astounding, Cosmos, Orbit, Planet Stories, If, Fantasy and Science Fiction and Space Stories.
Lost Dorsai is a collection of science fiction stories by Gordon R. Dickson from his Childe Cycle series. It was first published by Ace Books in 1980. The collection includes two stories that originally appeared in the anthology series Destinies, one that appeared in the magazine Analog Science Fiction and Fact and an …
Love Not Human is a collection of science fiction stories by Gordon R. Dickson. It was first published by Ace Books in 1981. Most of the stories originally appeared in the magazines Galaxy Science Fiction, Startling Stories, Fantastic, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Universe, Analog Science Fiction and Fact and Amazing …