image of Samuel R. Delany

Samuel R. Delany

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The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village is an autobiography by science fiction author Samuel R. Delany in which he recounts his experiences as growing up a gay African American, as well as some of his time in an interracial and open marriage with Marilyn Hacker. It describes …

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They Fly at Çiron is a 1993 science fiction novel by Samuel R. Delany, wholly rewritten and expanded from a novelette written in the 1960s.

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Times Square Red, Times Square Blue is a non-fiction book written by famed science fiction author Samuel R. Delany and published in 1999 by the New York University Press. The book is a compilation of two separate essays: Times Square Blue and ...Three, Two, One, Contact: Times Square Red.

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